R que R


Data Visualization: Combining a table with multiple scatterplots

Reactable table using {reactable} package combining a table with multiple charts

Data Visualization: Animated Boxplot

Animated boxplot using highcharter.

Data Visualization: Áreas Apiladas

Evolución del VAB sectorial de Perú entre 1994 y 2018. Día 9 de30díasdegráficos (iniciativa promovida por R4DS_es).

Data Visualization: Line chart

Evolución de la estructura sectorial de Perú entre 1950-2018. Día 2 de 30díasdegráficos (iniciativa promovida por R4DS_es).

Data Visualization: Combination of Bubble chart & line chart or table

Three examples of bubble charts created with {highcharter}. The first one includes a tooltip_chart, the second includes a tooltip_table and the third includes both.

Data visualization: static and animated treemaps

Static and animated treemaps created with {treemap}, {d3treeR} and {highcharter}.

Data visualization: Sunburst charts and treemaps with {plotly}

This dashboard presents a few examples of Sunburst charts and Treemaps using {plotly}.