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Maps: Administrative Divisions of Peru with links to Wikipedia

Departments, provinces and districts of Perú. Maps created with {ggplot2}, {ggiraph} and {raster}.

Maps: Municipalities of Norway with links to Wikipedia

Municipalities of Norway. Maps created with {ggplot2}, {ggiraph} and {raster}.

Data visualization: Interactive and animated maps with {ggplot2} and {plotly} (Example III)

In this post we will present a few examples of interactive and animated maps using both {ggplot2} and {plotly} . This post is a continuation of the previous one ( interactive and animated maps ) .

Data visualization: Interactive and animated maps with {ggplot2} and {plotly} (Example IV)

In this post we will present a few examples of interactive and animated maps using both {ggplot2} and {plotly} . This post is a continuation of the previous one ( interactive and animated maps ) .

Maps: Interactive maps (II)

In this post we will use {plotly} to create an interactive version of a {ggplot2} map.

Maps: Interactive maps (III)

In this occasion we will add a slider to our {ggplot2} and {plotly} map to display the evolution of the data over time.

Maps: Interactive maps (ENG)

In this post we will present a few examples of interactive and animated maps using {ggraph}, {plotly} y {echarts4r}.

Maps: Mapas en 3D con {echarts4r} y e_geo_3d()

Breve entrada que tiene como objetivo explicar cómo realizar mapamundis 3D y con relieve utilizando la función e_geo_3d del paquete {echarts4r}.