R que R


Maps: Administrative Divisions of Peru with links to Wikipedia

Departments, provinces and districts of Perú. Maps created with {ggplot2}, {ggiraph} and {raster}.

Maps: Municipalities of Norway with links to Wikipedia

Municipalities of Norway. Maps created with {ggplot2}, {ggiraph} and {raster}.

Leaflet maps (Part I)

This first post will show how to create leaflet maps using geographic coordinates and map tiles from different providers.

Leaflet maps (Part II)

In this post we will show in a leaflet map the administrative divisions of India at state and district levels.

Leaflet maps (Part III)

Choropleth map showing the average income per inhabitant at a municipality level in Spain.

Maps: Maps using geographic coordinates (ENG)

This dashboard will explain how to create maps with {ggplot2} and {mapdata} using geographic coordinates.

Maps: Mapas regionales con el paquete {raster}

Este post explica cómo realizar mapas base de cualquier país a distintos niveles de agregación regional utilizando el paquete {raster}.