Maps: Administrative Divisions of Peru with links to Wikipedia
Departments, provinces and districts of Perú. Maps created with {ggplot2}, {ggiraph} and {raster}.
Maps: Municipalities of Norway with links to Wikipedia
Municipalities of Norway. Maps created with {ggplot2}, {ggiraph} and {raster}.
Data visualization: Animated maps (ENG)
In this post we will present a few examples of animated maps using {gganimate}.
Maps: Interactive maps (ENG)
In this post we will present a few examples of interactive and animated maps using {ggraph}, {plotly} y {echarts4r}.
Maps: Maps using geographic coordinates (ENG)
This dashboard will explain how to create maps with {ggplot2} and {mapdata} using geographic coordinates.
Maps: Choropleth maps with {ggplot2} and {mapdata}(ENG)
This dashboard explains how to create choropleth maps with {ggplot2} and {mapdata}.
Maps: OpenStreetMaps con {osmdata}
Este post tiene como objetivo introducir el paquete {osmdata}, mediante el cual podemos descargar e importar información del proyecto colaborativo OpenStreetMap
Maps: Mapas de España con archivos shapefile
En este post se explica cómo realizar mapas de España a distintos níveles territoriales utilizando archivos shapefile y el paquete {ggplot2}.
Maps: Mapas en R usando coordenadas geográficas
En este post se explica una posible forma de realizar mapas en R cuando tenemos las coordenadas geográficas de los elementos a representar.