R que R


Data Visualization: Alluvial Plot

Alluvial plots (basic, with marginal histogram and interactive) created with the {easyalluvial} package.

Tidytuesday: Alluvial Plot

Alluvial plots (basic, with marginal histogram and interactive) created with the {easyalluvial} package.

TidyTuesday: Astronautas

Contribución al proyecto Tidytuesday (2020, week 29). Esta semana el dataset contiene información sobre astronautas que han participado en misiones espaciales.

Data Analysis: Desequilibrios territoriales en Perú (1995-2016)(ESP)

En este post se analizan las disparidades territoriales en Perú en términos de VAB per cápita y su evolución entre 1995 y 2016.

Data Visualization: Themes

Dashboard presenting some of the most popular themes for ggplot visualizations using ggplot2, ggthemes and ggthemer

Data Visualization: Colour Palettes.

Dashboard presenting some color palettes using info from www.stat.columbia.edu.

Maps: Administrative Divisions of Peru with links to Wikipedia

Departments, provinces and districts of Perú. Maps created with {ggplot2}, {ggiraph} and {raster}.

Maps: Municipalities of Norway with links to Wikipedia

Municipalities of Norway. Maps created with {ggplot2}, {ggiraph} and {raster}.

Maps: Interactive maps (II)

In this post we will use {plotly} to create an interactive version of a {ggplot2} map.

Maps: Interactive maps (III)

In this occasion we will add a slider to our {ggplot2} and {plotly} map to display the evolution of the data over time.

Data visualization: Animated maps (ENG)

In this post we will present a few examples of animated maps using {gganimate}.

Eurostat: Working with the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) of Eurostat

The present dashboard shows how to work with the Eurostat NUTS nomenclature using the {eurostat} package.

Maps: Maps using geographic coordinates (ENG)

This dashboard will explain how to create maps with {ggplot2} and {mapdata} using geographic coordinates.

Maps: Choropleth maps with {ggplot2} and {mapdata}(ENG)

This dashboard explains how to create choropleth maps with {ggplot2} and {mapdata}.

Data Visualization: Box Plots (Box and Whisker Plots) (ENG)

Dashboard with indications that might be useful when creating box plots (box and whisker plots) with {ggplot2}.

Data Visualization: Bar Charts (ENG)

Dashboard with some tools/tips that might be useful when creating bar charts with {ggplot2}.

Maps: Mapas de España con archivos shapefile

En este post se explica cómo realizar mapas de España a distintos níveles territoriales utilizando archivos shapefile y el paquete {ggplot2}.

Data Visualization: Bar chart race con {gganimate}

Bar chart race que muestra la evolución del ranking de regiones peruanas según su VABpc.

Data Visualization: gráficos de barras animados con {gganimate}

Este post expondrá cómo realizar gráficos de barras animados con {gganimate} usando el dataframe babynames del paquete {babynames}.

Data Analysis: Evolución de los nombres en España según edad promedio

Aproximación de la evolución de los nombres masculinos y femeninos más usados en España en las últimas décadas.