R que R

Food consumption and CO2 emissions due to food products (tidytuesday contribution) (ENG)

Fri, Feb 21, 2020
#tidytuesday #food consumption


In this post, intented to be a small contribution to the tidytuesday project, we will use the package {echarts4r} to visualizate in a map the food consumption and CO2 emissions from 130 countries.


This short post is going to be my first and small contribution to Tidytuesday project. I will use the package {echarts4r} to plot in a map the food consumption and CO2 emissions due to food products. To some extent the procedure is practically identical to the one used in this previous post where it is exposed in a slightly more extensive way how to make the maps using {echarts4r}.




food_consumption <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2020/2020-02-18/food_consumption.csv')

A few modifications:

map <- food_consumption %>% 
  group_by(country) %>%
  summarise(co2_total = sum(co2_emmission),
            consumption_total = sum(consumption)) %>%
  mutate(country = recode_factor (country,
                                  `USA` = "United States",
                                  `Czech Republic`= "Czech Rep.",
                                  `South Korea`= "Korea"))

Choropleth Map: Total CO2 emissions due to food products

map %>%
  e_charts(country) %>%
  e_map(co2_total) %>%
  e_visual_map(min=0, max=2000) %>%
  e_title("Total CO2 emissions due to food products \n (kg CO2/person/year)", left = "center") %>%

3D map: Total CO2 emissions due to food products

map %>%
  e_charts(country) %>%
  e_map_3d(co2_total) %>%
  e_visual_map(min=0, max=2000) %>%
  e_title("Total CO2 emissions due to food products \n (kg CO2/person/year)", left = "center") %>%

Choropleth Map: Total food consumption

map %>%
  e_charts(country) %>%
  e_map(consumption_total) %>%
  e_visual_map(min=0, max=700) %>%
  e_title("Total food consumption \n (kg/person/year)", left = "center") %>%

3D map: Total food consumption

map %>%
  e_charts(country) %>%
  e_map_3d(consumption_total) %>%
  e_visual_map(min=0, max=700) %>%
  e_title("Total food consumption \n (kg/person/year)", left = "center") %>%