Leaflet is an open source JavaScript library used to build web mapping applications. It creates embedding maps with tiled base layers, interactive panning and zooming and feature layers.
The {leaflet} R package allows to integrate and control Leaflet maps in R and to create maps from the R console or from RStudio. {leaflet} also provides interactive panning and zooming and allows rendering spatial objects from the {sp} or {sf} packages or from dataframes with latitude and longitude coordinates. There is also a leaflet plugins repository that you can use to add more features/plugins to your maps.
This third post will present a choropleth map that will indicate the average income per inhabitant at a Municipality level in Spain in 2016 (but the map will only show those municipalities with average income higher than 12000 euros).
Spain: Average Income by Municipality (2016)
renta_media <- read_excel("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/r_que_r/r_que_r/content/datasets/renta_media.xls")
renta_media$renta_media <- as.numeric(renta_media$renta_media)
renta_media<- renta_media %>%
separate(Municipio, c("cod", "municipio"),
sep = " ",
extra = "merge")
# Shapefiles municipios Spain
spain_shapefiles <- read_sf("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/r_que_r/r_que_r/content/datasets/Municipios_IGN")
renta_Spain_map <- spain_shapefiles %>%
dplyr::left_join(renta_media, by=c("CODIGOINE" = "cod")) %>%
dplyr::select(OBJECTID, Provincia, municipio, renta_media) %>%
dplyr::filter(renta_media > 12000)
mybins<-c(12000, 15000, 18000, 21000, 24000, 27000)
my_pal <- colorBin(
palette = "Spectral",
domain = renta_Spain_map$renta_media,
na.color = "transparent",
bins = mybins)
renta_Spain_map %>%
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldShadedRelief) %>%
weight = 0.6,
stroke = TRUE,
color = "white",
fillColor = ~my_pal(renta_media),
fillOpacity = 1,
dashArray = "3",
label = ~municipio,
popup = ~paste("Municipality:", municipio,
"Province:", Provincia,
"Avg. Income:", renta_media),
highlight = highlightOptions(
weight = 2,
dashArray = "",
color = "grey",
bringToFront = TRUE
)) %>%
addLegend( pal= my_pal,
values = ~renta_media,
opacity = 0.9,
title = "Average Income per inhabitant (2016)",
position = "bottomright")